Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sunday Drive to Brimson and Beyond

Last weekend seemed like a great time to take a Sunday drive. My brother-in-law Ryan was up from the cities and we were both looking for a good excuse to get outside. With the lakes in limbo around here, and the woods still wet from rain, we opted for a little Sunday drive- well, actually a Saturday drive. This rabbit thought that he was a little more camouflaged than he was, but I can't really blame him, considering there should still be snow on the ground. After Ryan took a few photos through the brush, I decided to push my luck and went in a ways, finally taking this shot from about 15 feet away.

I couldn't resist putting in this photo of another rabbit that Ryan spotted.  They were sticking out like sore thumbs!  We saw five on one short stretch of road.  This one was hanging on to a little bit more of his winter coloring than the first one that we saw.  Great photo Ryan!

The eagle's nest at the Indian Lake boat landing was occupied.  There seemed to be only one eagle so far.  I'm not sure when eagle eggs usually hatch, but I heard a news story this morning that said eagle chicks had just hatched somewhere in Iowa.  I know that there was a nesting pair in this nest last spring, maybe during this visit the other one was sitting tight on the nest while we were there and never raised its head.

One more eagle picture for good measure.  What a majestic animal- and to think that the national bird was almost the turkey!

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