Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Swing and a Miss on Mille Lacs

This photo was taken from the seat of my truck, where I spent as much time as possible on this cold and blustery morning.  With the fish being hard to locate, it didn't make sense to set up the shelter, since we were drilling a couple of dozen holes at each location that we tried.  We were able to drive cross-country on the lake today, dodging the occasional plow ridge.

After a slow day on Thursday, I left everything in the truck and headed down to Mille Lacs on Friday to meet up with my good friend Ole.  I left home at 3:30 in the morning and arrived within 30 seconds of Ole, who was coming from the other direction.  Turns out we could have slept in a little since the resort wouldn't let us on the lake until they had a chance to check the road for cracks and drifts that my have shown up over night.  Once we did make it on the lake, lets just say that we had some technical difficulties in finding our waypoints.  We did finally get to a waypoint around 10 a.m., which was toward the end of our fishing day, since we both had to get back home.  Even if the GPS would have cooperated from the beginning, I have a feeling the results (a few small perch) would have been the same.  I have a trip to Lake of the Woods coming up, hopefully my luck will change.

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