Friday, June 8, 2012

BWCA Moose Encounter- Part Two

This is mama moose just before she entered the water to swim after her calf (previous post).  I believe that this is the same moose that almost ran over my uncle on a portage trail earlier in the day.  

Here's the story: I was paddling in the stern of the canoe. My Uncle Joe would get out first at every portage landing, help unload the canoe, take a pack, and go.  After that, I'd take my small pack and the canoe, following shortly after him.  On this particular portage, after dropping off the first of two loads, my uncle was about 25 yards ahead of me after the turn-around.  I had just dropped the canoe and pack, and was heading back for my second load, with Joe just ahead of me.  That's when I was Joe come running back toward me.  Just after he said "moose", I saw an adult moose chasing him down the trail.  We were both scared, the only difference was that he was being chased, and I only had about a second to stand and watch a moose chasing him, coming toward me, with no time to react.  After about a second or two (for me)- and considerably longer for Joe, the moose decided to dart off into the woods.  
Considering the apparent aggressive nature of the moose, with its chasing my uncle down the trail and the noises that followed, we assumed that it may have been separated from a calf.  I had time to look close at its head, and I didn't see any evidence of antler growth.  Not more than five hours later, we had the encounter depicted in my previous post, which occurred approximately one mile away (as the moose roams), from our first encounter.  Coincidence?