Saturday, September 1, 2012

Blue Moon at Deer Camp

I admit that this is not a great photo, but I had to post it.  This is the blue moon, as seen over Lake Superior, near Beaver Bay on August 31, 2012, shortly after sunset.  My cousin and I went up to check the trail camera and got in the woods around 7:15.  From about 7:30 til 7:45 we were in a stare-down with an 8-point buck, a doe, and a fawn, all within between 25-40 yards of where we were standing near the trail cam.  Neither one of us wanted to get busted by a deer right near a stand, but that's what happened.  It sure was fun, and I doubt that they'll remember anything by November.  It was as dark in the woods as it could be with a full moon when I took this photo, which you would never guess by this photo.  Without a high end camera, and taking a photo directly into the only natural light that there was, I was happy with how this turned out.

This one is for my Dad- he sits in a chair in the open spot that's immediately to the left of the freshly shredded tree.  There's usually a lot of scraping activity below this spot, but hopefully this rub is extra motivation.  This photo was actually taken about 10 minutes before the "blue moon" photo was taken- this was also taken with a flash.  Because I knew the woods, and with a full moon and clear skies, it was easy to know where I was and where I needed to go.  What wasn't easy was trying to see where my feet were going without a flashlight or a trail.  For any "real" walk in the wood, I would normally bring a compass, headlamp, and matches/lighter.  This was a good reminder that any trip into the woods- even when you think that you know all of the variables, deserves some respect in regard to survival, planning, and communication.

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