Sunday, September 16, 2012

Minnesota Grouse Opener 2012

This was the result of our opening day grouse hunt near my brother's property on the North Shore.  My brother Tom and his vizsla Ruby were doing the hunting, I was carrying brush loppers, neither were used.  Our several mile walk was more of a deer scouting mission than a hunting mission, but I thought that we would have more than a tired dog to show for it.  I figure that we walked around 3 or 4 miles through some pretty good looking grouse habitat and we only flushed one bird.  The woods were still thick and Tom never even got a shot because of the foliage.  We never settled on a spot to hang the portable stand, so I never used the loppers.  It was still a productive day since I left a nice squiggly line on my GPS, marked a few way points for likely stand locations, and got some much needed exercise.

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