Saturday, January 28, 2012

Shed Hunting January 2012

Well, this isn't a picture of a shed, which is what I was hoping to come home with.  That's the shed hunting usually goes though- at least for me.  It was a nice day to be in the woods and the view from my brothers lot is always worth the drive.  This was the first time that I was up in the deer woods since last November 18th.  I'm never disappointed when I get out for a walk in the woods- there's always something to see...

This is a timber wolf track that I figure was about a day old.  There was just a touch of snow in it, just enough that it made me feel comfortable that I wasn't too close.

You may have to click on this photo to enlarge it in order to get a better perspective.  The timber wolf had the same route planned that I did- I'm just glad that the wolf was first, but I guess you never see tracks when you're the one being tracked.  I was shed hunting and the wolf seemed to be doing the same thing that I was- taking the easy trail until there was a fresh track or game trail, and then following it.  I did find one track with a touch of blood in it.  I followed it back a ways, hoping that maybe I could find a wolf-killed deer, but I never saw any other blood.  Maybe the wolf had one of his nails trimmed too short?  When I saw the blood, all I could think about was the Blood on the Tracks album by Bob Dylan, and how cool a photo of that would be- unfortunately, taking photos of animal tracks in the snow is not that easy.

It looked like there must have been two wolves traveling together at this point, their tracks almost landed on top of each other.  I saw a lot of wolf tracks today and it's hard to say how many there were all together.  I did see a ton of deer tracks too- including at least one that had to be made by a big buck.  I actually saw more deer tracks that I ever have at this time of the year in this area- my guess is that they are just more mobile due to the lack of snow this year.

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